Privacy Policy
Customers' personal details are stored in accord with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and with the valid laws of the Czech Republic, especially the Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data, as amended. By entering into a contract the purchaser consents to processing and collecting his personal data in the vendor's database following the successful performance of the contract, until the necessary legal and contractual reasons cease to exist or until the customer exercises his right to erasure or his right to be forgotten, with respect to the character of the personal data stored.
The purchaser has a range of legal rights at his disposal concerning processing his personal data, especially the right to access his personal data, the right to correction, the right to be forgotten, the right to erasure, the right to limited processing and the right to transferability. To exercise these rights, please use the form below to contact us. Customers' personal data is fully protected against compromise. The provider does not pass the customers' personal data to any third party with the exception of the following:
- External carriers and payment gate providers to whom the customers' personal data is passed on in the necessary minimum in order to deliver the goods or to authorize the relevant payment tool. These companies are contractually bound to utmost protection of personal data during its processing.
- Assessment systems of Heureka and Zboží ensuring feedback of purchase from our e-shop by the independent assessment. This information helps other users with selecting a vendor and provides us with feedback from our customers. On purchase you can agree or disagree with passing on the information.
- Plastkon product s.r.o., the line of products producer, for which the provider operates this e-shop. Producer is responsible for the technical support of its customers and needs to distinguish between a proper product purchase from an e-shop and from its contractual partners who act as technical support for their customers. Plastkon, the producer, is contractually bound to utmost protection of personal data during its processing and is authorized to process the data only in the same period as the e-shop provider.
On signing, the individual contracts are archived by the provider in electronic form and are accessible only to the e-shop provider.
The provider of the e-shop is BizBox Customer Services, s.r.o., Roubalova 383/13, Stránice, 602 00 Brno, Czech Reublic, TAX ID CZ 293 76 823, which operates the e-shop for Plastkon product s.r.o., Hlavní 147, 790 84 Mikulovice, Czech Republic, TAX ID CZ 633 21 289.
To enforce your protection of personal data rights, please contact us using the e-mail . Please state in your e-mail what right you are enforcing, detail description of your request, or your order, and the e-mail used for communication.